Friday, June 25, 2010

Monday, June 7th, 2010 - Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

So, we decided not to take our assigned shuttle to get to the airport because we had to get on it at 11am for a 4pm flight.  That was simply not acceptable, so we stuck around the hotel and enjoyed the beautiful weather a bit longer.  We hit up the deli for lunch and sat outside knowing that we would not be able to do that when we got home…..the first piece of news I paid attention to was the excessive heat advisory that we were under at home.  YUCK!

We headed to the airport and proceeded to celebrate our victories as well as my roomie, Heather’s birthday.  We made some noise in the airport and stimulated the economy in the bar and talked about how much fun we had, despite the blisters and sore muscles.

It was pretty funny to see us all maneuver around.  We boarded the plane and headed home….back to reality I suppose.  I was not too sad though… LMT sister was picking me up from the airport and taking me to her place where her massage table was ready to go!!  I got my post race massage, which was awesome!  The greatest thing about this race experience was that the only thing that really hurt after this was my back.  No shin pain, no pain in my feet.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  My close friends and family will remember that I was in some pretty horrible pain after Seattle because I let my feet go untreated.  I was worried about my shins because of some horrible pain I had a few weeks prior to the race.  I was not going to put all this training and hard work with my TEAM and then not be able to go myself!  Luckily, I had nothing but my back, which bothers me on a regular basis anyway.  Hopefully, the next race, I will just have the normal aches and pains associated with 13.1 miles of fun!  Thanks to my favorite people at Alpha Chiropractic for taking care of me and making sure I was ready to get out on that course and finish.  If you have any need for a sports therapist, chiropractor, or anything of the sort, I highly recommend this office.  Not only do they know what they are doing, it’s a fun time in the process.  I won’t lie and say I enjoy going there all the time, because it is not pain free for me, but it hurts less when you are laughing in the process.  You can tell them I sent you….at your own risk.  J  My walking peeps are also treated there, so we took this picture post race to thank them for taking great care of us:

Another race in the books for me and I am already signed up for PF Chang’s with Team in Training in January as the Mission Captain for all the marathon teams.  I am excited because most of my team is also signed up, so we can continue to motivate new people and have a good time doing it.  I am telling you, if I can be a morning person on the weekend just to put in the miles and can raise money for such a great cause, anyone can.  Ask me and I will put you in touch with the right people to get you signed up! 

And so, I leave you with another GO TEAM!!  TEAM ARIZONA & EAST VALLEY ROCKS!!

Stay tuned for my next adventures, whatever they may be……

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